Essentially, online lobby/league guys are screwed. You cannot use rosters with created/edited players.
Franchise/Online Franchise guys can play with better rosters. Of course, it is going to take a month + with these rosters for anything resembling decent.
I've seen allot of people say no big deal because you can use teambuilder. This is false hope to say the least. While you could recreate a school and edit their rosters now with TB, you are limited to 12. Thus you could essentially only edit one conference and the rest of the roster would still be messed up beyond belief.
EA has been utterly silent on the issue. As a defense lawyer I would advise them not to comment at all on anything roster related given the pending litigation.
Some have asked how could Keller's lawsuit affect future rosters. While he won't directly, he will indirectly. EA won't do accurate rosters anymore due to fear of litigation (unless they win a dismissal/summary judgment in the Keller action). If they have to pay Keller or lose at trial, NCAA Football will no longer have anything close to real rosters b/c they would have to wonder how many people will sue them years later after getting out of college when they are pumping gas like Keller.
NCAA Football R.I.P.