LMAO the more I think about the pickle EA PUT THEMSELVES IN the more I laugh uncontrollably.
If they don't figure something out and fast they have 2 BAD options:
(1) Piss off the undoubtedly numerous Team Builder guys that don't really care all that much about the rosters and worked hard on their schools. or
(2) Piss off everyone else by sending a game with horrible rosters;
Perhaps I'm evil but I hope EA has to chose between #1 and #2.
Adem a question perhaps you can respond to. Do you know what process (if any) EA has for testing/checking for these type of issues/mistakes?
In medicine before a surgery they often but a big "X" on the leg, arm, etc.. of where they need to operate. They also do utensil counts at the end of surgery to ensure all the tools are accounted for and not still inside the patient before sewing him/her back up.
Does EA have anything like that in place? If they do, whoever is doing it is doing a bad job. If they don't they really should hire someone to be in charge of this or have "time outs" every so often for the entire team to get together and check the entire game inside and out to make sure nothing is messed up before adding in something else.