These are not and never will be credible professionals.
They are, for a lack of a better word, hoes.
I hate that a team and a player are facing scrutiny for their dealing with these two obvious hoes.
I despise Brett Favre, but I think his sending a picture of his penis to Jenn Sterger is no big deal. She is a big boobied groupie, nothing more, nothing less.
The fact that this hoe might end his games played streak is ridiculous.
Same deal for the New York Jets. Why anything was made of their catcalls of that Mexican hoe in the locker room is beyond me.
Serious female reporters must die everytime a story like this gets traction.
I am not for a second condoning the players being asswipes, but let's be honest, groupies like Sainz and Sterger are there for absolutely non-professional reasons. They are capitalizing on their looks and nothing more. And, you know, good for them. But the second the NFL takes these hoes that seriously, I weep.