maybe you should have waited to begin with instead of assuming the media reports were correct. Now that its all coming out you are trying to backpedal to save face. A few of us had the common sense to see something fishy was going on here and Icognito was not the racist beast you claimed he was.
at least have the balls to man up an admit you were wrong
Listen up, shit for brains. We were presented with a few facts:
Martin left the team. Martin left, allegedly, because he was being bullied and couldn't take it anymore.
Richie Incognito left voicemails, text messages, and tweet that look pretty fucking bad.
Whether or not you think the voicemail was meant to be hateful or malicious doesn't fucking matter one bit. The only person who matters in this thing is Martin. How Incognito made him feel is all that matters. What you think you know or what the other players are saying about this situation doesn't fucking matter dumb shit. If whatever happened was enough to make Martin feel alienated, verbally abused, depressed, etc. then the voicemail and bullying was too far.
Martin is a pussy. He should have handled it better.
The Dolphins organization is full of morons. There is an obvious disconnect in the locker room. The coaches don't know shit, the players don't know shit, it's all a bunch of bullshit. There are too many lies and idiots surrounding this story for anyone to know exactly what went on.
I wasn't wrong about anything. Martin is going to release a statement. We can run in circles about this until he releases a statement and the investigation is over or we can wait it out.
This isn't about saving face for me. If Martin has been lying about this entire thing then I'll admit I was wrong about believing him, but it doesn't change my stance on what happened if the details were true.
Incognito is still a dumb shit. The players like him because he is a good football player so they're going to take his side over Martin. I do think there is more going on with Martin then all of this bullying shit, but whatever sent him over the edge needs to be addressed and should have been much sooner.