:lol: at this from Vitt.
So Vitt not only accuses Hargrove of lying but Hargrove was dumb enough to implicate the Saints in the bounty program by telling people he was told to play "dumb" about it.
This logic fails for so many reasons.
Even if we want to ignore there was a bounty program..which there was...let's take a look at this.
Assuming there was no bounty program:
Vitt wouldn't have to tell Hargrove to "play dumb" about anything...because he wouldn't have to play dumb. If there was no bounty program and the NFL came sniffing around Vitt and the Saints would have nothing to worry about, let alone something to warn the players to "play dumb" about. Vitt's response to the Hargrove accusation makes zero sense because if it was a "pay for play" issue then Vitt wouldn't have to warn Hargrove to play dumb about a bounty program(which "didn't exist").
The Saints were stupid and reckless and got caught.
On top of all this the NFL told the Saints to knock it the eff off years ago, the Saitns owner told them to knock it off(what was there to knock off if it didn't exist?)...did the Saints deny the bounty program then? No, they just chose to cover it up.
I like how we have months of evidence(backed up by by independent sources), admissions of the Saints top brass shit was going yet Vitt getting in an illogical war of words with Hargrove somehow sheds light on the fact that this bounty program never existed.
Come off of it man. You're making yourself look dumb here.