Playing this game right now I'm probably 1/2 through the vice desk.
Interesting game mechanic
Interesting setting
-Too much handholding. I turned off auto-aim, turned off the clue music helpers, the clue hints, action skip etc. and it still feels like they're holding my hand throughout the game.
-Too linear, can't really fail, just get different case ratings.
-Side missions are repetitive. Don't like the hidden cars I've found and have no idea how to keep them even if I like one. So I've just been letting my partner drive.
-A lot of the time if I choose doubt or lie he'll say something completely off the wall I didn't expect.
Solid probably like a 7/10. Better rental than buy. Instead of focusing so much on an open world I wish they would've made the cases more open instead.
I can agree with most of those. I will say that LA Noire, along with Heavy Rain, are pioneering a new genre in gaming, what I call "interactive stories." Games where you do interact with the universe, but you are more guiding the character through it and doing investigations. Its a new thing, and obviously a work in progress to find a balanced system that works.
What I would also like to see in a game like this (and yes, I know the game itself is already massive) is to have a "morality" system. You can kill with reckless abandon on the side missions, yet that is not the Cole that is portrayed in the game. Why not use those side missions to get a morality system in there? It could work in a future game.