Yeah, because the the reason we got exposed was because of poor rotation management on Brown's part. , but he has no idea how manage a rotation or design an offense, and you could definately tell. He saw Jamison getting eaten alive by KG, and then promptly decided putting Shaq on him would make things better. Or deciding to go back to having Mo on Rondo after Lebron shut him down for a half.
Same people who always do... Mo and Lebron. Mo is pretty good from an offensive standpoint (Defensively though don't even get me started), and we all know how dangerous Lebron can be on the break. When we went small with Shaq out from February-April, we were much improved and Hickson and Andy both flourished finishing on the break.
Have you not noticed all of the marketing and PR from the Lebron camp.
If Lebron signs all we've got is the MLE.
Frankly, Lebron is my favorite player, but I'm so tired of dealing with this FA shit. I grew up with a terrible Cavs team, so its not like being bad would be new, but you all have no idea how devestating Lebron leaving would be to the state of Ohio as a whole. Honestly, if he announces he's staying, it'll be the best moment IMO since the Buckeyes won a NC in 2002.