Final Fantasy VIII
Platform: Playstation
Yeah I have this above Final Fantasy VII. I couldn’t think of a way better to place this game on my list other than putting it right after Final Fantasy 7. There are a lot of reasons why I have this here that I’ll explain later.
Alright first and foremost Final Fantasy 8 was the second Final Fantasy on the Playstation. At the time of its release it was the fastest selling Final Fantasy game of all time but was later outdone by Final Fantasy 13. Just as in all the other Final Fantasy games you have your world consisting of various masses of land and islands. As usual, you walk around on the land and get into battles and gain experience. The main thing they added to Final Fantasy 8 that I absolutely loved was the junction system. A lot of Final Fantasy freaks hate the junction system but in my opinion it was something I wished that would have followed through the rest of the series. Unfortunately it didn’t and I lost interest in playing later games. I mean I played 9 but wasn’t that interested and just completely stopped playing it. The whole junction system is based off of these monsters you can summon. You assign one or multiple to your character and they gain certain statistics. You have to assign magic to each statistic such as HP, Attack, etc. The stronger the magic is the higher the benefit, ie, Curaga will be more powerful than cura or cure. To get that magic you have to go about it one of two ways. Find draw points throughout the world to stock magic or draw from enemies in battle. The more of a spell you have stocked the more powerful your statistics will be. Summoning a guardian forces, the monsters, will open up a cinematic sequence where the monster will attack the enemy. GF’s you could summon contain attack ones like Ifrit, Brothers, Diablo or monsters like Siren or Doomtrain that will dish statistic punishment. They are a big part of the game and when in a bind can help get you through the tougher boss battles. Final Fantasy is abundant with boss battles. Some of the battles are extremely hard or frustrating but some can be very easy depending on your strategy and junctioning magic to your attack that the monster is weak to. Final Fantasy 8 is very in depth with their gameplay and really made me become a more strategic player when I’m playing FF8. Just like FF8 the game is very long and full of stuff to do outside of the main quest. The Triple Triad card game was an addiction of mine. I used to play it non stop and sometimes more than the actual game. On top of all that, the game is on 4 discs. Believe me with all the boss battles and different locales, each time you complete a disk you think you’re playing a whole new game when you pop in the next one. Graphically I like what Final Fantasy 8 did. They ditched the cartoon type look that was used in every entry in this series and went with a more mature look. I think it looks great and the atmosphere of the whole game is just amazing. The Diablo fight is one of the most graphically unappealing fights ever. It’s in a dark area and all you see is him and your party… kinda lame but maybe it was part of the art direction. The soundtrack to the game is great for a Playstation game. The songs are all lyrics I don’t understand but the mood the music sets is just top notch.
I want dive too much into the story here but you take control of Squall Leonhart, when you think emo, this is your guy. He is a 17 year old teen who attends Balamb Garden, an academy that trains mercenaries. His rival is Seifer Almassy, a cocky mother fucker. Things go wrong after his first field test along side Zell and Quistis. Seifer turns his back on the academy and joins forces with the evil Sorceress Edea. As you play through the game you realize what is going on and why everything is happening the way it is. After you complete the first disk and take care of the epic boss battle, you assume control of Laguna in a time before Squall. This was an interesting choice by Square to add a side story to the game and later sew it into the main one. If you’re looking for a really good story and a hell of a game, look no further. Sure it will get complicated at some points but damn does it pay off at the end with one of the hardest boss fights I’ve ever had to go through.
Final Fantasy 8 is always overshadowed by 7 and it’s a damn shame. I honestly think this is a way better game than 7 but put it right after it on the list because I think it seems fitting. Check for yourself in the video and if you’ve never given this game a shot you need to download it from the Playstation store.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdJSdORSdFM&feature=related"]Final Fantasy 8 - long, tough battle with T-Rexaur - YouTube[/ame]