4-4 According to Ian, the affect of Procedural Awareness post play was surprising to the team. The players looking at one another, looking down as they hopped over a fallen opponent, gave the game more life than they anticipated.
4-4 Due to CPU considerations, referees do not have the same awareness as players, however, they will follow their assigned targets. The line judge will follow the ball carrier, the head ref will watch the trenches, etc.
4-4 Camera flashes will be scaled according to the type of game (i.e. Regular season, playoffs, Super Bowl).
4-4 A photo of Ian's workstation was released with a white board behind with the following "To Do" list- Fix QB sneaks, Tune crowd animations so they're not so busy, add "prep steps" to double jukes so they're physically realistic, and fix the spin move so you can't "double spin" to change directions. Ian verified what each of these was. Also, new break tackle animations have been added.
4-4 "Tipped passes" at the line have been added. They are rare but dramatic moments when a pass tipped at the line of scrimmage will float, giving both teams a shot at it.