I think I asked this already, but didn't get a definite answer. In the preseason, in the past, cpu teams only subbed in the second-string players in the second quarter and they played the entire game. Leaving the third and fourth strings to ride the pine, not get any playing time and eventually getting cut without a chance to produce. Has this been changed? If not, it's by no means game-breaking, it just adds depth to the game, especially if you've seen this year's preseason.
Other than that, CFM looks amazing, a great jump from last year. Confidence adds a whole other level and brings in so many possibilities. Can't wait for the 26th and next year.
Preseason substitution works the same as it did last year. I understand where you’re coming from, though. While it’s not exactly what you’re referring to, the addition of Game Prep does allow CPU teams to assign drills and Confidence to any player(s) on their team to work on, which could be the rookies and bottom end of the roster depending on where they decide to focus.