Seriously?! No disrespect, but I find it hard to believe that someone there isn't aware of the issues with these features? You can argue they aren't CFM related, but if you see them affecting CFM, then shouldn't it be addressed with the proper "department" instead of being ignored? Especially if you're the lead designer of CFM and spent 8 months on ....... relocation uniforms?
auto-subs - doesn't work, or at the very least, doesn't work properly? You try to set it to get some type of rotation, especially at HB and before you know it, players are disappearing from the game in the 4th quarter. It's broke.
formation subs - asinine that we have to set this every week/game. We should be able to set AND SAVE formation subs, adjusting them as needed/desired.
schemes - Chargers are a good example. Listed as a 4-3 defense, have a 4-3 defense selected, but when you go inside the scheme setting, they have 2 MLB. ?
To expand upon schemes - player types. I have changed player type inside schemes to match what the player shows only to see their OVR go down. ? Doesn't make sense. Also, the CPU doesn't properly utilize players where they are a better fit. Case in point, the Chargers had a LE (65) and a RE (60) that when moved to DT became an 83 and 81 respectively. They also had 2 OLB's, (83) and (72) that, when moved to DE, became 91 and 81 respectively. It's one thing for the CPU not to change player positions to best utilize the player, but to NOT change them in the depth chart....???? Just horrendous CPU AI.
Scouting - horribly cumbersome and unrealistic. You could sit at home and get some physical attributes, yet in Madden, everything is an unknown. On top of that, as an owner, you have a scout, but he doesn't scout. WHY DOESN'T HE SCOUT?! Someone needs to look at past Madden's and HC09 (especially HC09) and see how it was done better on last gen consoles.
No mention of "sim clock", so I'll assume it wasn't touched.
No mention of more features from HC09, so I'll assume that's a personal decision by Looman.