I haven't watched it in a long time either, but what makes it 5 stars? Wasn't the bulk of the match insanely awesome spots? I never did or have watched much DG so the backstory (if there was one) was lost on me.
It was Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation, which was the big DG war at the time. Gabe told them to book the finish themselves since it had nothing to do with ROH storyline, and gave them as much time as they wanted. And at the end, its subtle, but Cima teases a face turn. Blood Gen broke up like three weeks later.
It's 5-stars because the work was not only state of the art and cutting edge, but also flawless, and really a half decade ahead of its time. And it was the first time most people in North America saw anything like it. Dragon Gate was essentially a tiny Jap indy at the time.
The crowd is so great in this match. Polite in the beginning because they really don't know anyone aside from Cima, and totally mindfucked by the end. 'PLEASE DON'T STOP! PLEASE DON'T STOP!'
It was also influential. Dragon Gate blew up, to the point you can argue its the #2 promotion in Japan today, and the #4 promotion in the U.S. The US indy style drifted from head drops to high spots as everyone tried to copy. Everyone wanted to book the DG guys, and they turned up in TNA, WSX, PWG, etc....except Vince of course, whose old crusty ass has no clue of what occurs outside the bubble. Cima did get a tryout, to be fair, but he's the older legend with a bad neck who can't really go anymore.
But basically, its just a great fucking match.