So playing BF4 on both systems, you can tell the difference? If I gave you a side by side comparison of the game, no captions telling you which console is which, you can point out which game was on what console? I doubt it.
Now, XB1/PS4 and PC comparisons are obvious.
This is a XB1 thread, why are you looking for "funny" ?
Oh wait, because within mins of it being posted, knowing the trend of this site, you knew you had some "Lolz" waiting. Shit post after shit post will get posted, once one person that isn't anti MS comes in, the fingers get pointed, "Omg you're such homer"
Why would I come in this thread and not think this is good news? People wanted a kinect less XB1, they are giving it to them. Yet they get bashed for it. They got bashed for not doing it. Y'all don't give up.