Reading Rams posts, I think he expects and feels the right to force others to believe in his god and his gods rules. That's the problem I have with Rams. I don't have a problem with him believing homosexuality is a sin against his god. I have a problem with him believing in oppression.
I've seen gay rights being compared to civil rights on this site and other places. There are similarities, but I see a significant difference between the two. Back then, with civil rights, the belief was in oppression. The belief was in oppression itself against blacks. And that was from the voting majority. I really believe that the voting majority today are reasonable enough to be against oppression. They just don't realize that trying to preserve marriage as being between a man and woman, and having the Govt. enforce this, is actually oppression/oppresive.
I really think that reasonable people can be made to realize that they can preserve the sacredness and sanctity of there religious marriage (between man and woman) and have there religion define marriage FOR THEM, and realize that Govt should not. That Govt should only define the legalities of marriage, like taxes and insurance. I believe people can be made to see that the Govt defining anything more than that is legislating lifestyle which is legislating oppression.
I really believe that reasonable people can, through reasonable discussion, be made to see this and realize, no matter what there religious beliefs are, they have no right to tell others how to live.
Back in the day of Civil Rights, the belief was in oppression itself. That's the significant difference I see between civil and gay rights. Just my opinion.
The extreme, holding the god hates fags signs are beyond reason. The gay rights groups need to work on the reasonable religious ones that can make that separation between what I believe is not what others have to believe. Especially on such an opinion based issue as "homosexuality is a sin". To make it something that is fact based and not opinion based, first you would have to prove that GOD does or does not exist. Good luck with that. Until then, the issue is opinion based with neither sides belief being any more right or wrong than the other. But it is wrong when belief crosses the line into oppression.