Yeah why wouldn't I? Are you the god damn Baseball police.
Let me give you some history.
Houtz loved baseball at a young age. Grew up loving Jason Kendall, Jay Bell and Barry Bonds. Then Houtz discovered football and stopped giving a shit about baseball.
It wasn't until now that Houtz realizes why. His team hasn't had a winning season in 17 fucking years.
So one day Houtz decided, "why do I hate baseball" "why not give it a shot".
Everyday the Phillies would play during the week they would have it on the radio at work. Working with a bunch of Phillie fans I decided to start following baseball.
I started watching/caring about baseball from opening day last year. Rooting for the Phillies, watching/listening to every game. Why? Because they don't show the Pirates where I live.
I watched every playoff game, hell almost went to the parade in Philly it meant that much to me.
So this season I decided to go back to my roots. Started rooting for the Pirates. Knowing they've been irrelevant for a long time and the fact I can't watch their games I listened/watched the Phillies all season long.
So yeah I will be rooting for the Phillies as I have all season long. If the Piraets and Phillies play it's the only time I get to watch the games.
So call me whatever you wish, I will be watching the game just like you.