Even Cover 3 a skilled user will position his WR to make the play... Idk... remember the problems with madden when Cover 3 was just boss... you really can't get back to that either, there will NEVER be a happy medium where people agree, either Man or zone will be at the very least slightly better in any game. I wouldn't like to see the LB turn and run with the WR anywhere past about 5 yards from his zone at the very most, because then we open up an entirely new flaw where people can send a TE vertical and just slant the slot WR right under it for 10+ yards every play. I was pretty happy with the game last year, there can be improvements made obviously there always will be, but there will also always be a way around things in any game, that's what gaming is and always has been since the days of warp levels in Mario Bros, and even earlier then that lol