Finally got to play.
What a barnburner I had.
Michigan (me) 44 Michigan St. (cpu) 41
Kicked a game winning FG with 4 seconds left.
I scored a 1034 on the greatest games thingy.
Played default AA with no slider or penalty adjustments.
Quick thoughts:
1) Agree with most - the new camera angle will take some getting used to. I never understand why game developers add new stuff like this, but don't give you the option to use the previous camera or option
2) CPU run game on AA underwhelming in my one game ... but it was only one game. I'm not losing sleep over it
3) Lag??? I have read this the past few days. It's not menu lag. It's just a slight delay when the cheerleader animations are showing up between plays. Hardly a big deal.
4) Not enough penalties
5) Adaptive AI - In my one game, I really did notice the CPU trying its best to adapt. I am a diverse playcaller, so it really can't focus on a money play ... since I really don't use one.
6) CPU man D - much, much improved. Very happy with it. I threw 3 INTs. All legit.
7) Getting burned on bump and run. I loved this. I call bump and run with no safety coverage support ... and the Michigan St. QB killed me.
8) Kickoffs - as advertised, they suck.
9) Atmosphere - same old, same old. Did they even touch this area of the game?
10) Pass rush - I didn't find it that big a deal. Yes there are times the CPU QB has too much time to throw the ball, but I found from time to time I could get pass rush pressure with a four-man line and no extra blitzers.
Mind you, my D gameplan is based on Jim Johnson's, so I generally like to bring the house.
OVERALL FIRST IMPRESSIONS - pretty solid. I had a hell of a fun game. And, in the end, isn't that what should count?
Is this game perfect? Not by a longshot, but the game I had was great.
Again, it's a one-game impression. And I'm more of an NFL fan than an NCAA fan. NCAA football for me (other than NCAA 04) is just an expensive monthly rental until Madden drops.
All that said, once the patch drops and the sliders work, this game will keep college fans on board throughout the season. It's a solid effort.