In their defense, they are all exhausted for the most part. The Red Sox series was a nightmare for them, and it's been pretty much the same since. It's really been the starting pitching that has killed them consistently this season.
Yesterday's game was irritating to say the least. I don't like saying that one blown call caused a loss, but in this case it's at least arguable. JRoll was safe, and likely would have scored on the Victorino double, tying it up. Doesn't mean that they'd win, but it was certainly a blown call, and you hate to see a potential run taken away by something like that.
Either way though, June is just infuriating as a Phils fan. I knew this was going to happen though. They win the WS last year and they're expected to stay hot all season. This is a team that stinks in the month of June, period, like clockwork. The same thing happened last year. Once Ibanez comes back and Howard shakes the Swine Flu, hopefully they'll hit a hot streak during July. At least we can say this: the team has been monstrous on the road.