The hypocrisy spewed on my face. I get butthurt? I stay in this thread. You guys have your PS4 and yet spend your whole time in this thread defending your console with ridiculous sales numbers while we continue to enjoy our console we paid more for and don't give a shit about doing so. Its funny how often yall have to shit on the XB1 just to feel better about your purchase. Some of you guys have more posts in this thread than the PS4 thread. Its redundant. Once we reply to any of your posts, its automatically labeled has getting upset or "butthurt". The TWO out of the THREE posts I have in the PS4 thread were made after you made your stupid fanboy thread. Any negative posts about your beloved PS3.5 in this thread were just simply for a reaction.
I understand the importance of competition. I dont hate the PS4, I just dont care to even bring it up. Its a non factor for me. Its silly, I dont stray into PS4 thread yet can count a list of PS4 fanboys on this site without hesitation just because of THIS thread.
If you take me replying to you as a sign of butthurt, bring the lube next time to make it easier on me you inferior PS4 elite gamer you. You're intimidating me.