I was tired this morning. Wanted to reply, but didn't have the energy to think.
First and foremost, 2k5 is most definitely overrated. It isn't the be-all, end-all of video game football people make it out to be, but they focused on the right things and made an amazing game.
Animations, offensive line/defensive line interaction, WR/DB interaction, deeper franchise mode, things along those lines. The presentation gets a lot of press, and it was phenomenal, but to me, that's not where the game shines. It's the animations that make the game. They're more fluid and more real.
I'm not a big fan of the locomotion system. The way players pivot is really annoying, plus inertia doesn't affect all players equally.
There are a few ways it gets way overrated. The playbooks were a good 5 years behind when the game came out 5 years ago (APF is even worse). The AI was questionable in a lot of ways... especially coverage. The player ratings were terrible (thankfully, that can be corrected), and the franchise cpu AI was a bit lame (though not as bad as Madden, just bad in a different way).