#50? WTF?
The Saints were obliterated by the Packers in every category I just listed you asshat. Lets just say they aren't and call me a troll tho.
Go back and look at Dels thread where he compares the two D's. NO's D was better than GB's D. The only real SIGNIFICANT area GB was better was turnovers. NO's D was better in both yards allowed and points allowed. How's that (points allowed) for significant stat. Can't get much more significant than that "asshat".
NO's D played better than GB's D this year. Period, end of story. You're few cherry picked stats mean shit.
Now lets go talk about how MEANINGLESS the passing yard record is, yet talk about how important PASSING YARDS are for a defence? Makes sense.
Really, all we are talking about is yards allowed on defense? You mean points allowed on defense is meaningless? I did tell you to go back and look through Dels post where he talks about comparing the D's didn't I. Where was I just talking about total yards on defense. Starting to make sense to you now?
If we're gonna compare defences in the argument we have made, lets get stop assuming yards define rank because both number 1 seeds will say "get with the times old man".
And where did I say that YARDS define rank "start using your head little boy".