Bray Wyatt
What He's Up To - The other son of Mike Rotunda, and brother of the aforementioned Bo Dallas, the former Husky Harris has been with WWE Developmental for a little over three years now and has run a fruend with tons of the top guys. He debuted on WWE TV as Husky Harris but after realizing he was a fat guy, the E shipped him back down to developmental for a token repackaging. He's had some highly regarded pre-tape promos and even worked his fair share of jobber squashes. After an injury, he re-debuted, and started putting together a stable of followers.
Look/Physical Presence: 2.5
- If the WWE ever liked fat dudes to be more than comedy acts or jobbers, Bray Wyatt would have a long career. He gets docked a bit here because he doesn't have the look the WWE often pushes to the top, but he's big enough (not just fat big) and with this new Bray Wyatt character, he's got a physical presence about him that just screams at someone to throw money at him.
Promo Ability/Charisma: 4.5+
- Ol boy can talk and he walks with a natural heel aura to him.
In-ring Ability: 3.5
- He has a firm grasp on this character's in-ring style. As Husky Harris, he showed some very crisp ring movement and a pop to his moveset. It can't be stated enough, that his current moveset and ability to sell his character IN THE RING, without words, might be the best in developmental right now. He could not say a word and you'd still be able to understand his character in the ring. The subtlety of his character in that regard is on point.
Overall: 10.5/15
- If this were 1997, someone would have thrown buckets of money on him and ran him as a stable leading heel not too dissimilar to Raven's Flock in WCW. His current gimmick has obvious comparisons to the aforementioned Raven meeting Waylon Mercy. There is some potential here for something special. His gimmick isn't too dissimilar to the CM Punk-led Straight Edge Society with all its religious undertones, which got over like a million bucks. He can sell himself, his gimmick, and is a strong worker. The only issue that could hold the guy back is his physique. Vince can't fap to it, so, he's limited in that regard. He was alread sent back down to developmental to lose weight once, and did so...but he's built like your traditional cornfed boy from the country, so, it'll constantly be an issue. In another era, someone would be swimming in cash with the guy, in the WWE, the potential is there for big things still, but, has a wart. As for his name...I guess it works, but his real name (Windham Rotunda) would have been just as creepy. It should be noted, at first...I wasn't into the gimmick, but, I was sold on it rather quickly after initially shitting on it. Paul Heyman would have milked the fuck out of this guy in 1997. Another note...perhaps this gimmick is a little too advanced for the basic TV the WWE pulls of.
Is He Ready? Yes.