I must have missed that each time. Cliff notes? Or repost it? Pls.
I alway swondered what would have happened had Gruden ended up at Notre Dame instead of Willingham and Weis. Can't decide for myself if he would have translated over the college game really well.
It was the 2003 draft and it was the last pick of the first day (last pick of 3rd round). Bucs had the pick and McKay says...
McKay: "We're going with Simms here."
Gruden: "I wanna see the work-up on him first."
McKay: "We don't have one...we didn't bother because we didn't think he'd be available this late."
Gruden: "I'm not taking a quarterback that we don't have any info on."
McKay then told Gruden that he was the GM and they were taking him. Gruden was pissed and didn't want him in the first place and certainly didn't want to just take a player that organization didn't do any work on.
From that point on it was really contentious. It was difficult during the Super Bowl year, but, because they were winning it was pushed to the side, after the 2003 draft though. Gruden was watching his back inside One Buc Place and factions formed among people inside the football ops staff. You had Gruden supporters and McKay supporters. It was pretty ugly.