Junior Member
Contact in hockey and football is an inherent part of both games. They limit the defense in the Pro Bowl because of the very fact that it is a meaningless game and the NFL is trying to reduce unnecessary risk to the players' health. If the NHL and NFL wanted to take contact out of their games, the sports would cease to exist as we know it. (Which is why every one gets up in arms about these new NFL contact rules, but that is another argument) The fact is, a hockey game can be played without dropping the gloves and no one would blink an eye. The Olympic competition proves that. Therefore, any and all fighting is an unnecessary risk to the health of the players. The same players' health that the NHL disingenuously vows to protect. If the NHL would just cut the charade and say they don't give a fuck about the players' health, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Bolded = Unfounded opinion.
Underlined = Ok and ??
You shouldnt be having this discussion anyways. If you choose not to accept that fighting is part of the sport then you're just being hard headed and prioritizing your opinion against the players , and fans. The charade wont be cut unless theyre desperate for Americas biggest liability lawsuit.
Already answered. If your that gullible as to believe everything a commish or sports leader tells you then be on your merry way. The health issue is double talk as already mentioned. Your question as to why not has also been answered. Choosing not to accept it doesnt make it a still unanswered question. Even if you were so stubborn as to refuse to believe everything said youd have to miss the $$ symbol that is at the root of every decision..which AGAIN...was already covered.This is irrelevant and what I'm saying is fact. Fighting can cause head trauma which can cause concussions. That statement is 100% true. This is about the NHL saying one thing and then doing another. It's so easy to eliminate fighting and subsequently eliminate one activity that can lead to concussions. Why not just do it if you are allegedly dedicated to preserving the players' health?
Not sure I understand the connection here. Baseball players have to have bats to play. MLB says they must be made of wood. This doesn't contradict any other stance in baseball. Hockey players do not have to fight. This does contradict the NHL's stance on protecting the health of their players.
The point wasnt about contradiction it was a counter to the "other leagues , orgs , levels" do it. Its an irrelevant argument.
Bottom line the trolls are arguing whether *particular violent act* is needed/integral/important to the game with a bunch of guys who know the game alot better ignoring the fact it (decision making)happens in every contact sport.
Its a troll job nothing more.
If you care that much go write a letter to Gary Bettman or twitter Zarley Zalapski. Telling hockey fans fighting is stupid and needless wreaks of desperation.