I think
He also fucks his goat. Just sayin.
Logically it makes none.
How so? What makes me saying that a speech doesn't work like a fight does?
What makes it stupid? You don't agree, but it's a valid point. Sorry, try again.
Fighting, needed to win a fight.
Fighting. Not needed to win a hockey game.
Apples and oranges.
One is the sport. Literally.
The other is a small part of it...
If I think UFC is barbaric, yes.
The point has nothing to do with outcomes. These are entertainment businesses with athletes paid to specifically fight. A sport isn't watched solely for outcomes or why would anyone tune in before the last 5 minutes. Sports are watched for the entire set of entertainment they offer, and hockey happens to include a side order of fighting, which if you watch the clips posted by Ravin, the fans explode over.
Was never the point. Of course it's rational right now to make a living doing that since it's allowed. I never said the player was too dumb to not understand what he was doing..just perhaps the long term effects of soemthing that isn't even needed for the sport to function.
Rational people should be able to view fighting in hockey as uneccessarry and running counter the entire idea of trying to clean up the game in terms of player safety given the current framework of where the game is at now.
Just because a fight doesn't put goals directly in the net doesn't make it unneccssary to the game.
We can agree to disagree till the cows come home but until the league/players say otherwise, I'll side with them.
It's entertainment where athletes (i think?) essentially injure themselves for the pleasure of the crowd. What justifies what these guys do considering how terrible they end up?
See Razor Ramon for a current example of the walking dead aka ex-pro wrestlers.
And I think it's stupid. It's something I enjoyed as a pre teen but if it was done away with tomorrow then I'd be fine. And again wrestling moves are absolutely needed to perform a wrestling match.
Fighting is not absotuly needed for hockey to function.
Still part of the entertainment package that is hockey, still effects the environment, the players and can be suggested, the end result. You can't say otherwise because it can't factually be proven either way.
Not to the point or extent that getting rid of pads would int he NFL. You wouldn't be changing the very fabric of the sport as it exists now the way the football example would.
Hockey exists at high levels everywhere in teh world with no fighting. Leaffan admitted much earlier it's goign extinct and I don't think any hockey fan is truly worried about he NHL ceasing to exist if it does so.
I disagree it's going extinct, it's simply less frequent. I wouldn't call 34% of games having fights is nearing extinction.
No other sport has this problem. Especially a sport like football. Where the star players many times are much more helpless from an exposure and bad position/ability to get away standpoint than in hockey.
I think it's really naive to think hockey couldn't police itself with a stronger arm in the commissioners office.
If hockey fights are about "respect" as someone in here mentioned earlier than I fail to see how players can't respect the other guys enough to not take dirty runs at them.
I can't sit here and be told that hockey fights are "respectful" then at the same time be told that hockey players aren't repsectful enough for the most part to not be disrespectful goons to other teams players. Would there be asshats like James Harrison? Sure. "There's always one" but I think legislating to the exception rather than the rule is abusrd in this case.
Hockey isn't football, cool?
You're saying to have a stronger arm on....LEGAL play? How the fuck do you do that?
If players are repeatedly taking legal shots on star players without any repercussion, then there's a problem, which is what would happen with the removal of enforcers.
And please, as if the NFL doesn't have dirty players. You got face stomping and dick biters in the NFL. Coaches on the sideline taking out knees. Brandon Meriweather.
Hockey fights aren't dirty but there is dirty play in the game. How is that so hard to understand? The fighters know each other and I would assume there's some kind of code when it comes to fighting in the league. Dirty athletes are in all sports, so what?