Here are just a few examples of Tebow having put in work on his motion...
You showed a couple of articles mentioning his work ethic in the pros and one about working on mechanics IN COLLEGE.
But yeah clearly he just sits on his ass all off-season and is fine with his development.
I didn't question his work ethic. I question whether he's going to retool his passing. It's not just how much you work, it's also what you work on. Is he going to retool his throwing mechanics or will he always be a shit passer? The first thing he should have done going into the pros was fix this. And he should make that a major focus until it's fixed. Right now, Smith throws the ball better.
Tebow is the first one to admit that he needs to work on his game. Maybe we can bump this thread in 7 years when Tebow has had enough time (and reps) to get to the same point it Alex Smith FINALLY reached.
We aren't talking about 7 years from now, we are talking about NOW.
I really don't know what more you expect from the guy.
I expect a QB to be able to PASS THE FUCKING BALL.
He's improving as far as reading defenses and becoming more familiar with the playbook
Learning the playbook and improving on reading defenses will only take him so far if he can read a defense but not be able to make the throws. If he can't throw accurately in the tight windows QB's need to throw into, then reading the defense correctly will still have limited effectiveness.
And to just throw out the vast difference in experience because it makes your point stronger is retarded.
How so? The question didn't state who would you take given the same amount of experience.
We know what Alex Smith is, we've seen it. Even in this great bounce back season I struggle to think of a time where I could say "hey Alex Smith really made the difference there." If his defense or running game don't show up though he's screwed.
You just described Tebow.
And I love how I pointed out that Denver had won 4 games in which Willis McGahee had a subpar game and the Broncos won all of the despite the claim that Tebow has been carried to his wins by defense and the running game
In the 4 game winning streak, Tebow played like crap for the first 58 minutes in each game. What the hell kept the team in the games and the other team from scoring if the defense wasn't keeping Denver in those games? It sure wasn't Tebow.
I wasn't saying McGahee was crap or even having a bad year, just that half of Denver wins this season have come in games in which he had a pretty average to bad performance. Making it kind of hard for him to be the main reason Denver has won most of their games this season.
And you just ignore the defense in those games? Cause it sure wasn't Tebow keeping the other teams from scoring. We saw in the last two weeks what happens when Tebow has to actually throw a pass.
But I don't know how I could expect you to know any of this since you pretty clearly only watch the Packers.
I don't watch every Denver game, but it doesn't take much to see his atrocious passing stats. Also not difficult to tell the defense was keeping Denver in games when the scoring updates were showing such low scoring games.
It doesn't take much to see that right now, Tebow is a crappy passer. I'll wait and see how dedicated he is to working on that part of his game.