You can never underestimate the power of the fanboy. Companies like Capcom, Nintendo and Apple have been banking on this for years. Nintendo can keep putting out the same games over and over and eat them up. Granted, they are usually quality games. They also have a tendency for re-releasing games multiple times, most recently with Ocarina of Time on 3DS. Then you have Apple that release a new iPhone or iPad every few months and people just buy it because it's an Apple product and it's the "hip" thing to have. Most of them have no fucking clue what the products are capable of or can do. Hell, I just read a tweet by Tony Hawk the other day that said he kept trying to give a friend directions and they were "writing it down" and were confused. He finally asked "Don't you have an iPhone?" and they replied "Yeah". He was dumbfounded. But that is the mentality these sheep have. Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb mentioned the same thing recently where he said he had several friends with iPhones that constantly say "I just need a phone that makes phone calls and lets me send texts." Then why the fuck do you have an iPhone?!? Capcom has been pretty egregious with it in recent years with small incremental changes to games like MvC and SF4 with retail re-releases, ridiculous DLC initiatives of charging for unlocks of content that is already on the disk (Mercenaries mode in RE5) and of course the whole Re:Mercenaries 3D fiasco on 3DS.
This MvC stuff is really no different than $15 map packs for CoD games. The CoD fanboys, the ones that play nothing but those games 10 hours per day, defend the maps because "I get my monies worth because I've played the game for hundreds of hours" but they aren't seeing the big picture and what a terrible precedence they are helping create by supporting this bullshit. My cousin is one of these clowns. When Elite was first announced he immediately said he was buying it. When I asked him if he knew what the fuck it even was he replied "Nope. But it's CoD and I buy anything CoD." Idiot. :smh:
To be fair, I spend an UNGODLY amount of time playing fighting games, and they are primarily the only games i play. I have spent about 110 hours on MvC3, and 600 hours on SSF4/AE.
I find these purchases justifiable because the gameplay is always refreshing to me. And while a COD map pack is just a map pack (and, horrendously overpriced at all), if you tell me that my game is going to receive an overall makeover with all the kinks, everything will be competitively rebalanced, and you're going to add new characters to play as for 15 bucks (In the case of Arcade Edition as DLC), or as 40 bucks, i'm probably gonna buy it.
I understand that if you're a casual player in fighting games, it seems dumb to you. But don't get all gung-ho on it when it's pretty much all I play, and the changes you find small aren't really small to me. It's different from apple because the iPad is just a completely new system, and like you said, people do it to be "hip". It's different from Nintendo, because Nintendo LITERALLY shells out re-hashses of their shit, whereas Capcom actually provides differences. If you don't like it, you don't buy's that simple. Most people that I talk to about UMvC3 are actually pretty pumped about it now that they've seen the changes that are going to happen.
Then again, I COULD just be a fanboy, but I buy the new iterations/versions because they are considered to be the "norm".
Sidenote: I've probably spent more money on entering tournaments than I have on videogames in the past year, now that I think about it..