But it isn't juist the fighting games. It's everything about Capcom. Charging for "DLC' that is really on the disc. Releasing a game that only has one save file. The fighting game revisions are just one aspect of their 'bend you over and fuck you in the ass' business model.
And please act like I'm the only one that feels this way. Most of the professional games "journalists" feel that they small tweaks and updates are complete bullshit. If you want to update a game, fine. That is awesome. I'm all for that. Fix balancing issues, add a few more characters, etc. That's great. But that should be $10. Not a fucking $40 retail product. And the problem is that it seems that sometimes they offer the option of both, although I believe the "updates" are usually $15-20 for the download, but the blind fanboys would rather plunk down another $40 instead. It sets a terrible precedence.
And like I said, this is not much different than CoD $15 map packs. Can you honestly say there isn't anything wrong with that either? Both the Capcom updates and the CoD map packs "update" the game and prolong the experience, right? But that shit was going on for AGES on PC for fucking free, but now I guess it's ok? Really?
When I have to pay $60 for one level of a game and $20 for each additional level I'll know who to thank.
First Bolded Comment: Was Capcom the first group of people to actually do this? I'm just curious about that one.
Second Bolded Comment:SHIIIIET, speak for whichever "blind fanboys" you know, but NOBODY I know was plunking down 40 bucks for the physical copy.
While it would be nice, I have no need to do that.
Third Bolded Comment: If you are referring to maps, then yeah, those were free. The problem again is that you're comparing an updated revision to the game to a simple map pack. No, those aren't the same. It's not a simple "patch" that just goes and changes things here and there. A Map pack is simply that, a fucking map pack. It does nothing but add things. While they both "refresh" the game to a new point, the extent isn't the same: a CoD Map pack does nothing for the old maps, whereas an update STILL CHANGES the old things. (Side Note: CoD Map Packs are shittily overpriced, whereas Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam was just the right amount of content for the same amount of money) Map packs not being free anymore is a shame; however, fully-updated new versions of fighting games with new characters AND system rebalances/tweaks were never free. There was never a deal that you could go to a FuncoLand or whatever the fuck was "in" back then, show them that you had a copy of Street Fighter 2, and get a free copy of Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting. You're arguing that it's not how it should work, and, at the same time, you're implying that back then there was a way that this shit was different; that all of this is fucking new by SOME stretch of imagination. Newsflash: It wasn't. Again, if you don't want it, don't get it. But don't bitch about "THEY'RE FUCKING YOU IN THE ASS". I'm sure EA's already got a grip on that one.
Also, if Twigg found out that there was going to be a new physical product of a game, but they were also adding 12 new characters to the game, knowing that two characters they added via DLC were 5 dollars each, would he actually buy the new physical copy at 40 dollars, or would he deal out 5 dollars for each new character?