They might not be in the best position to decide the way to go about fixing these issues, but you cant sit there and deny what they show is faulty gameplay.
Moody's first video(to the best of my knowledge) was APF 2K8 regarding situational awareness. So I'm not sure what you're referring to. Can you give me a link to the video you say is asinine?
I just don't agree at all with you just dismissing the things they show in their videos because you don't like the way they deliver it.
The video I was referring to was Madden 2009 coverage issues that need to be resolved.
I don't dismiss thembecause of their delivery, I dimiss it because they don't really make a point. To begin with, they demonstrate their point in replay mode, which is not a true representation of the game. Frames are skipped to save space so things don't look as good as they do live. Things look choppy and a lot of transitions are missed.
Secondly, it's an engine based on animations. Sometimes the animations aren't going to look great, that's an unfortunate reality at this point. Harping on that isn't going to fix the game, it's a technology issue.
Lets look at this video.
[ame=""]YouTube - Situation Awareness In Coverage Not Represented In Madden 2009 Fixed In 2010?[/ame]
He gets upset because a running back runs his route. Before the play he refers to the fact players don't react to the play right, for example, defenders staying in their zone.
Rule #1 of zone defense= Don't leave your f*cking zone. When I'm coaching defensive backs, the quickest way for the kids to get ripped is to leave their zone. You leave your zone, big plays happen.
More on to the point of the video, which is that #1- Addai runs into the offensive line (Again, slow motion replay distorts the actual animations. Maybe Addai effected the block, maybe he didn't, but that replay is inconclusive because it wasn't captured live). Secondly, what does he want Addai to do? Not run his route? The little arrow/drag down the LoS is a very real play, and a very real defensive strategy is to force the running back into the wash.
Secondly, he wants the back to pickup the blitzing corner. Why? check release routes are intended to pick up linebacker blitzes, and I don't know if that was even a check/release pattern.
More importantly, what if I called that play because I wanted to dump it right over the blitzing corners head? I'd be PISSED if my back decided to block the corner instead of run his route. If I catch you in a blitz and go to dump it too my hot read, he better not have decided to block instead.
Obviously some of the animations they show off are bad. Obviously madden has some poor situations. No denying that. The AI plays very poorly at times, no denying it. Unfortunately, these two don't know good play from bad so nothing they say can be taken seriously. I'm not even saying they don't point out flaws, more that they point out flaws that everybody already know. They make videos declaring that the sky is blue. On the occasion that they do find a legit flaw I'm reminded of an expression dealing with blind squirrels and nuts.