Shinya Aoki 20-4-0 1 TKO, 12 Submissions, 5 decisions
Aoki is the most ‘limited’ of the top p4p fighters on the list, but Aoki does something that not many submission guys do when they cant get the takedown, he can still force you to the ground by pulling guard, pulling half guard, flying guard pull or even butt scooting. In America pulling guard is seen as a weak tactic, but Aoki doesn’t care, he will dictate where the fight goes even if he is overpowered and not many fighters can say or do that
His stand up is lacking, his takedowns are decent (judo throws mostly), but his sub game is 1 of the best if not the best in MMA, probably has the most wins over top 5 LW competition in JZ, Alvarez and Hansen, throw in LW beast Cal Uno and Aoki has been a monster at 155.
When you add that the Hansen win was via Gogoplata, the Alverez was from a heel hook, Aoki has put away top comp with subs, not decisions and even when he took JZ the distance it was a grappling masterpiece from the bottom which you rarely see in todays MMA game and these 3 are not grappling novices
2 out of his 4 losses are to Sakurai at 170 and is a legit bad ass, Aoki and Hansen are 1-1 against each other and a 3rd match hopefully will be on its way
Aoki and his magic pants always put on a grappling clinic
also, another plus I'd like to throw out for Aoki is that he has fought 9 times since 08
Aoki is the most ‘limited’ of the top p4p fighters on the list, but Aoki does something that not many submission guys do when they cant get the takedown, he can still force you to the ground by pulling guard, pulling half guard, flying guard pull or even butt scooting. In America pulling guard is seen as a weak tactic, but Aoki doesn’t care, he will dictate where the fight goes even if he is overpowered and not many fighters can say or do that
His stand up is lacking, his takedowns are decent (judo throws mostly), but his sub game is 1 of the best if not the best in MMA, probably has the most wins over top 5 LW competition in JZ, Alvarez and Hansen, throw in LW beast Cal Uno and Aoki has been a monster at 155.
When you add that the Hansen win was via Gogoplata, the Alverez was from a heel hook, Aoki has put away top comp with subs, not decisions and even when he took JZ the distance it was a grappling masterpiece from the bottom which you rarely see in todays MMA game and these 3 are not grappling novices
2 out of his 4 losses are to Sakurai at 170 and is a legit bad ass, Aoki and Hansen are 1-1 against each other and a 3rd match hopefully will be on its way
Aoki and his magic pants always put on a grappling clinic
also, another plus I'd like to throw out for Aoki is that he has fought 9 times since 08
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