I must admit....I did give up. Sometimes is simply better to just walk away. As you and others know he had no basis for the majority of the article; however, instead of just admitting that fact he instead would rather say, "did you read the article", "this is my opinion" or simply ignore what he couldn't respond to. With this thread being stickied I guess I got my hopes up and really thought he had a basis for his writings, but I learned that he didn't and that it really wasn't worth it anymore.
It got to the point where I realized that he wasn't writing the article to have people such as me, you, W2B, etc challenge him and have a real discussion on it, but instead to have people congratulate him on writing it. I'm thinking these "GMP Crew" articles are like congratulating the retarded kid for completing the race, while ignoring the fact that they came in last. I mean, understanding the context there is nothing wrong with congratulating the retarded kid.