Richards/Elgin is an easy **** 1/2 to **** 3/4 for me. There were a few things about it that were off, including his promo at the end which threw off the "epic battle" feel of the match after...but I felt Elgin played the "immovable object" role of the match fantastically. He was the MVP of that match, for sure.
Those two had the crowd by the balls.
Its tough to get me on the edge of my seat and marking out like a little kid, and those two had me marking out worse than the 7 year old sitting next to me, that I tossed out of the way as I got into the aisle marking out at every near fall.
RE: The Technical Difficulties.
I don't know when the power went out (there was a good 1h30m heavy rain shower...its South Florida, it happens all of the time) but I guess they weren't prepared, and a brown out fucked the server or something. I think it happened sometime during the Kyle O'Reilly and Adam Cole match...they went out there, started wrestling, a guy came out from the back and pulled the "stop the match" to the referee...all super awkward and overt to the crowd in attendance. Instead of just being like "alright guys, we are going to re-do this one, let's have intermission as we are trying to get the servers back off" they play the crowd for dummies, to which they are not at all...and awkwardly, they had Kyle O'Reilly start talking. Bad idea. They attempted to basically, stall for 30m+...
THEN, they had Adam Cole talk.
These two fucks are awful in the first place, now you are asking them to ad lib in front of what...1,000 smart marks? Oy vey, it was awful.
Then what was worse, is they attempted these two to put on a match after this mic battle, to which there was an easy 10m of rest was like Randy Orton v. Randy Orton...basically the equivalent of watching a baseball game of Steve Trachsel v. Steve Trachsel. The crowd turned on the mopes pretty hard.
They then attempted to cover it up, by announcing they were going to do a shoot for ROHTV. Kelly and Nigel did some shit and they sent us on an intermission that lasted excessively long. We come back and its an ANX and The Young was a silly little street fight...had some cool spots, but, after years of ECW, its tough for a guy like me watch two teams that shouldn't be having street fights, have a street fight. I don't think this made the iPPV.
Overall, it was really awkward and considering, as far as I know, Gabe and DG didn't have any awkwardness as it seemed everything went very smooth, ROH should be ashamed of themselves.
Steen-Edwards was fun while it lasted, but it wasn't long enough to be anything special, but I guess because they were running short on time due to the bullshit and they wanted to leave time for Richards-Elgin, I understand. I love Kevin Steen...dude had the crowd in the palm of his hand.
I liked the Briscoes-WGTT match just because I love #DemBoys. I'd like to say Charlie Haas is a good heel because everyone was all over him...but giving everyone the finger and telling them to go fuck themselves is like having an argument on VSN, it doesn't mean you are trolling. The match worked for the live crowd, because they were looking for a good release due to all of the production, right time, right place I guess...I always enjoy #DemBoys.
-Lethal and Roddy exudes so much charisma when he pulls off the Savage and Flair impersonations...but dude just doesn't bleed charisma within his own character. Its very strange, because I know its there. Met he and Roddy before the show, Roddy was a damn cool dude and Lethal is just a class act.
Overall, Day 2 was all about Richards and Elgin. So far, my easy MOTY, and surely going to end up on my list by seasons end somewhere. The rest I could have done without, but I think there was enough thrown in there to at least be worth my $30.
Need to see Day 1...but I read twas very good.
Maria has NO ASS...I mean, its non-existent, but damn, ol girl has a beautiful face.