Like most here, I have my problems with the show, and the only reason I stick with it is because I've already invested 3 years into it, and at the moment, its the only zombie show on, that I know of. One of my biggest problems with the show is that this season in particular, has deviated quite drastically from the comics, same with last season and the farm. However, I cant be too upset, if its 100% the same as the comic it would be boring to me as a reader. I do like how they have changed some things around but others I dont care for. I feel like each season should be like 2-3 episodes shorter, no filler episodes. I want to say the finale is a make or break episode, but it being the finale, they will probably be going all out, and I'll buy back into it and watch season 4 as well, and they'll be back to their old tricks. At this point, I think this show is overrated, but with AMC promoting the show like hell, more people with buy into it.