Actually, my question was "How", but you careful dodged my question.
I don't know what you mean by "how". How what? How did Sanchez do so poorly? I would guess he did poorly by throwing a lot of incompletions and interceptions. But thats JMO.
Ok, irrelevant to the discussion. Nobody said college and pro football are the same. All I said was reading a coverage is the same.
I don't know what you mean by "the same". Yes, the quarterback uses his sense of sight to read the defense. Glad you clarified that. The quarterback doesn't change from his sense of sight to his sense of smell when he reads an NFL defense.
This is true to an extent. Except, of course, that Pro OL are also better than college lineman. I'll agree that the pass rush is tougher in the NFL.
And except, of course, that every year the NFL makes some new bogus rule because even "Pro OL"s can't consistently protect the QB at the NFL level. I am amazed that you are taking issue with this stuff, because almost all this stuff is common knowledge.
You just made that up. There are plenty of college teams that play man to man coverage. I won't dispute there is a wider talent range, but the idea that no college teams play man is ridiculous.
Again, have you never seen a college game? The pass coverage isn't anywhere near NFL-caliber. You are completely missing the point. The point is that the pass coverage in college isn't as 'tight' as the pass coverage in the NFL. WRs are clearly open in college...WRs are almost never clearly open in the NFL. As I said before, this is simple stuff. I don't understand how/why you can argue against it.
LOL at you thinking my point was "all colleges exclusively play zone defense".
I'll file this under "Things Senser made up".
Thats too bad, because that is the whole point. Reading defenses in college is different than reading defenses in the NFL. In college, you look for the open WR. In the NFL, you have to anticipate the WR coming open and recognize the coverages much faster. Again, I'm not Newton discovering gravity or anything like that...the concept I am speaking is pretty basic.
While it is absolutely true that there is tigheter coverage in the NFL (better athletes), you don't even have a basic understanding of how a passing attack operates. Nobody, Nobody, NOBODY just looks for an open recevier.
Thank you for clarifying this, Mr. Walsh. Are you now going to tell me that a QB needs to distinguish man v. zone?
All passing attacks (D1a-NFL) base on manipulating defenders by putting two receivers in the same spot, thus creating a conflict (they can only cover 1 of them). Reading a coverage is identifying the coverage shell, getting into the correct route combination, and reading the conflicted-defender. This happens faster in the NFL, and there are a wider variety of combinations to choose from, but the basic premise is the same.
Is that it? Please tell that isn't your 'magnum opus'. Of course the basic premise is the same! But I am not talking about the "basic premise", I am talking about how reading a defense at the NFL level is different than reading a defense at the college level.
Oh, and not all passing attacks base on manipulating defenders by putting two receivers in the same spot, but nice try.
Except, of course, that a ton of coaches have worked at both levels...and regularly bounce between them. I suppose your theory then is that when they are professional coaches they dissect and exploit every nuance of an offense...but when they are working in college they don't bother with that stuff.
I'm sure that's it.
Except, of course, some offenses that work in college don't/won't work in the NFL because the defenses are different. Once again, is that like an entirely new concept to you?
And its actually a very small list of head coaches who were both successful at the college and the NFL level. Paul Brown, Don Coryell, Jimmy Johnson...thats about it.
My theory has less to do with the coaches and more to do with the players. NFL defenders spend more time in practice and have played football much longer than NCAA defenders. You can be more specific with your defensive gameplans.
Oh, and the staple plays of the Air Raid are all over the NFL. Martz is running Air Raid stuff, and Wes Welker makes a living running the "Sticks" route. Mesh is a HUGE play in the NFL as well.
Thats like saying any team that uses a 4-WR set is running the Run-N-Shoot offense.
For a guy who is so into 'coachspeak', you don't really understand the Air Raid at all. The whole point of the offense was to simplify reads. A big reason why Tim Couch, Pillsbury Throw Boy, Andre Woodson, etc, never amounted to jack in the NFL is that they never learned how to read a defense.
The field being effectively smarter is a difference, and the smaller window is a big factor (thus, Timmy's release concerns...and all the obsession over arm strength). But, again, reading a route combination does not change.
Please explain to me how "reading a route combination" could ever possibly change in your universe, since your definition of "reading a route combination" is "use your eyes".
No, statistics have yet to prove how reading a defense is any different. Nobody is arguing the NFL plays better defense than the college game.
Why, O Lord, why???
Its have no brain. My sympathies.