Meh event. Probably should have waited on torrents for this one.
Some random thoughts:
~ Kenny can't win big fights. He fights scared and tries not to lose instead of trying to win. He's still a phenomenal gatekeeper, though.
~ Fuck Lay n' Pray Gray. I will boycott every event he's involved in if he becomes champion. I don't care if Joe Silva puts all my favorite fighters on the card.
~ Frankie looked phenomenal tonight. He was tagging and taking down Penn at will. People saying that he was boring tonight don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
~ BJ's corner is a fucking joke. He needs a new camp ASAP. It was laughable at how he had several people just shouting shit in his ear, none of which had to do with gameplan, strategy or anything.
"He took something from you, now get it back!" Are. You. SRS?
~ BJ peaked a while ago. I don't think it's an issue of lack of fire. It's odd hearing that he was the best he's ever been a year ago to simply getting worked like tonight. He showed zero urgency and didn't make any adjustments from the first fight. The chokehold he's had on UFC's lackluster lightweight division is over. He might be the third best LW in the division now.
~ Maia/Miranda was great when it hit the ground. Painful standing, though. I like watching Maia work and Miranda showed good sub. defense.
~ It will be interesting as to how they will push Edgar/Maynard. I don't think that is a headlining fight. Package it with another name fight and they'll be in business.
~ Randy Couture got a blackbelt for choking out James Toney. :lolwut: