Saying that Madden Challenge guys aren't good is a joke. Do you know how many people play freestyle? That go to these tournaments? It's a hard transisiton for people to make, and it's simple. A lot of people DON'T HAVE GOOD MADDEN MINDS. Not offensive minds, madden minds. Izzy, you talk about me tricking the AI. You're right, I do -- it's part of the reason why I'm great, I have a great madden mind.
But let's change this up a bit. Let's say you go and play on this level. You say, okay -- I need quick passes and unbumpables and a great scheme to beat these crazy defenses in this game. You don't know where to go, or how to go about looking at it from a tourny point of view. I was very impressed with your ability to beat nanos on here playing sim, although -- IT'S MUCH TOUGHER ON THE NORMAL GAME SPEED OFFLINE. The pressure SCREAMS. Now, the reason why I say I don't know how good you'd be is because of your "stick skills".
Guys at this level have great MADDEN MINDS (well, more like 6-8 have great madden minds, a lot of people just copy), but they also have GREAT STICK WORK. It's a combo in which you have to have.
And Izzy, I only ran what you gave me as you saw. Hell, in the LEX league I just beat Chow (4 time MC winner, mc finalist, mega bowl winner, madden nation 1) 34-10. Winner of that league gets over $1000 by the way. He's known for always having a great defense. I simply take what's given to me. You saw probably about 15% of my offense, why? Because you weren't able to really stop what I was doing.
This is where a lot of us get a bad wrap. It IS A CHESS MATCH playing freestyle. Not with conventional NFL offenses obviously. But, much like in the NFL, if a play is working with great success over and over again, guess what? They're going to run it, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. You have to ADJUST on both offense and defense, it's hard for a lot of people to do, even some with great stick skills.