Watched Capitalism: A Love Story. I used to hate Michael Moore's documentaries, but Sicko and this one were both quite informative without being overwhelmingly ideological.
Find Me Guilty. Vin Diesel is actually a good actor? Who the fuck knew. This movie is awesome.
Leaves of Grass. Really good movie with Ed Norton as the two main characters. The production is a bit low-quality, but the story was good and Norton is fantastic.
Objectified. Documentary about the design of everyday objects. Really awesome and got me to think about the beautiful simplicity of the tools we use and never think about.
Source Code. Wanna-be Inception with a love story. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't stop thinking that I'd seen something more impressive a year ago.
I watched Pineapple Express for the first time in forever. Still the best comedic action film of the last decade.
Take Me Home Tonight. 80's comedy throwback. Really enjoyed it. Main love interest was super cute.
The Carter. Best documentary ever. Wayne is a fucking nut.
The September Issue. RJ Cutler's documentary about Anna Wintour, Vogue, and the production of the biggest material in the fashion world. Really awesome.
It's Kind of a Funny Story. A movie with the gay son from The United States of Tara (Keir Gilchrist) and Zach Galifianakis about being a teenager and falling in love inside of a mental institution. Pretty fucking enjoyable.
Love and Other Drugs. Romantic drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway's bare breasts with a pharmaceutical twist. It was alright. A bit heavy-handed.
The Wackness. Ah, summer love. Josh Peck was pretty good in this. It was a solid film.
I think that's all of them.