They should've practiced inside, but then again, that's the all-powerful Captain Hindsight speaking.
There's a Jim Tressel quote floating around the internet though from the same day, where he says something like "we have to practice indoors today, I can't do that to my video guys who are up there 50 feet in the air." That shows that other schools in the midwest were taking safety precautions that day, and that could possibly be used against Notre Dame. Then the tweets the poor kid sent out an hour before clearly indicated reluctance on his part.
I don't think Kelly should be fired, but I do think that his (and all football coaches) priorities being so out of whack contributed to the notion that the kid had to go up there. More of an institutional thing than one man's fault. Notre Dame's football team not losing a day of practice "in game conditions" was more important than the well being of the video staff. It could've happened at any school, but it also could've just as easily been prevented.
Negligence in the highest order.
For the guys saying the kid should've refused to go up there, keep in mind that he's a 20-year-old kid who is busting his ass to make a career in sports, in a very coveted student worker position. You think he keeps his job if he tells an assistant coach he refuses to film 7-on-7 that day? "BUT WHAT WILL WE GO OVER IN THE POSITIONAL MEETINGS? YER FIRED KID!"
Basically, if Declan Sullivan refused to go on the lift and film that day, a different student would've gone up in his place. At no point did anyone on the football staff even consider the safety of their staff when they decided to hold practice outdoors and film it.
Someone will get fired for this, but probably not Kelly.
Also, the reports that Notre Dame continued practicing after the lift fell are pretty damning. If that's true, fuck Brian Kelly and Jack Swarbrick, who was reportedly in attendance at the practice. To make it worse, fucking Swarbrick tweets that he's never been prouder of Notre Dame than he was after 1,000 students showed up to the memorial mass. Mike Golic's son tweeted something similar. A kid dies because of your screwed up priorities and you then make that a point of pride for your school? Wow.