Yes, extremely ugly, but gets it done. Those long strides throw people off. He's like an awkward, lanky, poor man's Tebow...or a slower, rugged version of Matt Jones.
His style definitely isn't sexy and that hurt his recognition nationally this year.
RGIII is phenomenal, and should probably take home the Heisman, but I'm really tired of the media sucking him off with the "look what he did for BAYLOR...he put Baylor ON THE MAP" shit.
Baylor was picked 6th in the Big 12 pre-season. K-State was 8th. I guarantee Baylor has more talent across the board than K-State. Klein just went 10-2 with a bunch of 2 and 3 star Kansas hayseeds. He was just one rushing TD shy of tying the Big 12 single season record held by Ricky Williams. He was 4th in the nation in carries, as a fucking QB. He literally put the team on his back in every game this year and took more punishment than any player I can remember in a long time, and took it all in stride like a fucking boss.
Without Klein, and without old Bill scheme doctoring the shit out of everything, K-State isn't far off from being 2-10 Kansas.
But anyway, I understand why Klein isn't getting much love. He can't throw worth a damn. He runs boring QB dives for 4 yards a pop. The other QB's are undoubtedly above him.
But Klein definitely meant more to his team than Montee Ball did to Wisconsin.