Why does the Air Force coach have such a hate on for OSU to put them fifth? BEHIND TWO LOSS ARKANSAS?
Where is the accountability in this system? There isn't any. The media will bitch and complain this season, and we'll be right back there again next season. If anything I hope this poll is enough to Pickens to go raise a shitstorm and try and get something done for real
There's no accountability because instead of going after people that are truly responsible all you ever hear is empty arguments like:
Well, considering a fucking computer chooses our title contenders, it makes perfect fucking sense in that none of it makes sense.
Like there's some evil supercomputers behind the scenes ruining everything. This isn't I Robot, the Matrix, or Smart House. Like has been already pointed out the human polls are more to blame. Computer polls aren't great either but if people actually want change there needs to be more of a focus on the people behind it, instead of the "computers."
My favorite thing was Saban going on ESPN talking about how great OK State was, knowing full well he put them behind a 11-1 Stanford team in his coaching poll ballot. Then he tries to put the blame on the "system" like we're all too stupid to realize that he's a part of why the system messes up. And SMH at Les Miles, Saban and Stanford all getting votes while Gundy doesn't.