CTE is over exaggerated, though. It's become a hot topic but lets not act like a huge percentage of the total amount of people in this country that played high school football are going to suffer from CTE.
Yes, there is a higher risk compared to other sports but a very small percentage of the total amount will gt CTE. Whether or not that amount is too high for you to risk your sons health or not is up to you and I respect either decision.
It wont factor into my decision for my son because I just don't believe that the odds of getting it are that high. Especially since he would most likely play DB or WR if he is similar in size to me and chances are he won't be big enough or good enough to play in college.
Of course, as research continues if they find that people only playing high school football suffer from CTE just as much as anyone (or a high percentage) then if obviously change my stance on this and reevaulate the decision.