2011 Poster Of The Year
My interest level in each match, using a 0-10 rating, 0 being no interest whatsoever, 10 meaning I wouldn't miss it for anything:
Rock-Cena - 3
Taker-Punk - 2
HHH-Brock - 2
Del Rio-Swagger - 2
Orton, Sheamus, Show-Shield - 3
Barrett-Miz - 1
Ryback-Henry - 0
Hell No-Ziggler/Langston - 2
Jericho-Fandango - 6
Tensai, Clay, Naomi, Cameron-Rhodes, Sandow, Bellas - 0
Here's the thing. I long ago accepted that they don't book for my personal tastes, and i'm ok with that. This show will break all business records. But the only match that has peaked my interest is Fandango. Johnny Curtis is going to be a star. Maybe not in this current incarnation, but he will be a star. I have three future WWE stars who will one day headline a Mania who are nowhere even close to that level today, and Curtis is one of them. For the other two, listen to the WrestleMania preview podcast next week (teaser plug!).
I'm sure HHH/Lesnar and Taker/Punk has some of you hyped. Maybe even Rock/Cena. Let's break it down. Rank the matches, fellas. Go.
Rock-Cena - 3
Taker-Punk - 2
HHH-Brock - 2
Del Rio-Swagger - 2
Orton, Sheamus, Show-Shield - 3
Barrett-Miz - 1
Ryback-Henry - 0
Hell No-Ziggler/Langston - 2
Jericho-Fandango - 6
Tensai, Clay, Naomi, Cameron-Rhodes, Sandow, Bellas - 0
Here's the thing. I long ago accepted that they don't book for my personal tastes, and i'm ok with that. This show will break all business records. But the only match that has peaked my interest is Fandango. Johnny Curtis is going to be a star. Maybe not in this current incarnation, but he will be a star. I have three future WWE stars who will one day headline a Mania who are nowhere even close to that level today, and Curtis is one of them. For the other two, listen to the WrestleMania preview podcast next week (teaser plug!).
I'm sure HHH/Lesnar and Taker/Punk has some of you hyped. Maybe even Rock/Cena. Let's break it down. Rank the matches, fellas. Go.