He stopped booking Hammerstein Ballroom, despite packed houses full of hot fans, because they booed Batista and Big Show out of the building on live TV.
The WWE doesn't do intimate venues anymore, and that sucks. The WWE has gotten pretty big by doing these giants stadiums and whatnot...but I just don't dig it like I do the more intimate venues. The crowd is another character in the production in wrestling. At its core, wrestling is just another form of performance art, just a performance art that begs the crowd to participate at all times in...
Unfortunately, in big venues, you get a more controlled participation...there are so many people, that while its impressive to have tens of thousands chant WHAT or "LET'S GO CENA...CENA SUCKS!" is doesn't necessarily disrupt the show...occasionally it does for the less skilled mic workers...but it doesn't disrupt a show it is mainly a back drop or a peanut gallery for the performers to pander to. It is tough to grab the giant crowd by the balls, which is, why, when something happens in the WWE that grabs the crowd by the balls (example, the CM Punk-John Cena match @ MitB '11), it makes it that much more special, because, damnit, its hard grab 75K sets of balls in a wrestling ring in a stadium.
In a more intimate setting, the crowd is more than a back drop, it is a full fledged actively participating character in the show and with that, comes a load of problems but also a lot of potential rewards. It is actually easy to grab the intimate crowd by the balls, especially smarky ones...as smarky as a crowd at Hammerstein is and will shit on a lot of things, they are the easiest crowd to pander to and get on your side. A little flippy flop...a little chain wrestling...a little boost to the in-ring product and you could cart out some legitimate shit out there and they'd probably cheer it if it you wrapped it up in the right packaging. But if you throw some shit out there and its in a brown paper bag, even if its on fire, they'll stomp it out, and walk it back to your door and put it on your doorstep and it could ruin a show.
Both have their good, bad, and have their rewards...it is why the WWE is such a different ball game than any other type of wrestling organization...simply the production standpoint alone and how they open the flood gates to the countless fans that show up in these giant venues...its a different animal.