-Taker/Triple H was probably the highlight of the night as far as the matches went. But after 'Taker landed on his head from that one dive out the ring it all went downhill from there. I'm positive it ended abruptly because he simply couldn't continue. They played it off about with the "he can't walk back" thing, but his body is basically destroyed at this point.
-Holy shit @ Snookie doing handsprings. The bitch actually had athletic ability. How in God's name did this match follow up Undertaker/Triple H?
-Trish is still gorgeous. That Eve chick can get it too.
-Mae Young was ancient 10 years ago. I really thought she'd be dead by now.
-How far has Rey Mysterio fallen? That match was god-awful.
-The Rock was really the only thing making this thing watchable...and his opening monologue was awkward as fuck.
-Who the hell is The Miz?
-At first glance, Randy Orton might be the best wrestler in the company. His match with CM Punk was solid. Too bad he has about as much personality as a box of rocks.
-Between The Rock and Austin, Trish, Triple H and Undertaker, not to mention seeing Edge and Christian together again, this was basically an excuse to relive my childhood. Glad I didn't pay to watch it. Certainly not the worst Wrestlemania of all time (X-7, anyone?), but I was underwhelmed.