Even if they did, I'm curious how much combined time they spent laying on the mat after all of the goofy 2.9's. Probably could have cut them in half and squeezed in another match.
Anyway, its all pointless, this is what they do. And then they can't create stars and wonder why.
People who got put over the strongest last night:
I mean, you don't see an issue here? Larry is 1000% correct.
Leading up, when I said it was going to be underrated or WOAT, I meant it, and it is why I didn't buy it, even though I actually was pretty hyped for the card.
It was the perfect opportunity for them to put over the next generation that are currently sitting around, squandering in the mid-card, and not a single fuckin one of them went over...not even Miz got over and he is/was the champ that ended the show.
I just knew this shit wasn't going to be good when I read they knocked Sheamus/Bryan to the curtain jerker match and it was filled with shenanigans. At that point, I realized it was going to be awful.
Then I saw Del Rio v. Edge and when I got that ending, I should have just stopped watching. You are building up Del Rio to be your champ, you even put him on first, so maybe you put over Del Rio while not taking away from the other two main event level matches, and nope...typical Edge match with junk Edge finish.
Maybe that is what happens when you put Del Rio with a bum like G-Rilla.
Edge will never be that over...ever. He's just not very good nor likable or hateable. He's alright...but he's been at the top of the card wayyyy too long and for him to be put over one of their next latin superstars is silly silly booking.
I don't mind HHH and Undertaker being put over...that is what that match was there for. Same with Snooki...they always put over their celebs, but damn, give Morrison and Ziggler the rub by carrying the match a little bit.
I get it, The Rock was your draw, but you use that draw to get over people that will be there for a while. Not necessarily Cena, but you devalued your premier talent, Miz, in the worst way. Epic intro, awful match, even worse post-match shenanigans.