Played the demo for a few minutes last night. Looks like it'd be pretty fun if you could consistently have a few friends to play with.
Official PSN discussion thread
That game would be a blast with a full crew of VSN guys. Jay would have all the maps memorized in one day and would be calling out tips for my old ass. "The ferite is behind that desk Twigg.' "Watch for police snipers across the street Twigg."Comment
Pop the game in and press triangle on its icon in the XMB. There will be an option to turn it off.Comment
I bought Burnout Crash because it was only $5. I couldn't pass that up. I also downloaded Festival of Blood and the demos of Elevator Action and some Capcom zombie game called Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone which I hadn't heard of until now. I'm pretty sure Elevator Action is a reboot or HD remake of an old game?Comment
I watched a video for that Zombie Apocalypse game and it looks really cool. It looks like a four player version of Dead Nation but much campier. They showed a character throwing out a disco ball power up that caused that distracted the zombies and caused them to dance, something taken straight out of the Ratchet & Clank playbook.Comment