Leftwich's Top 100 Games of All Time

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  • G-men
    Posts too much
    • Nov 2011
    • 7579

    Super Smash Bros Melee or else...


    • JBregz
      Follow me! @JBregzz
      • Nov 2008
      • 3837

      Originally posted by Leftwich
      You know that was like the first WWF game with 3D models of wrestlers. The first game with CAW... Bmore shut up.
      This one was mind blowing.

      Good list so far, keep it up.

      Follow me on twitter @JBregzz
      Follow me on twitch bitch http://www.twitch.tv/jbregz/
      Redskins TGT Scheduling Thread http://www.virtualsportsnetwork.com/...eduling-Thread


      • BigBucs
        • May 2009
        • 12758

        Nice list so far but Revenge = Best "Raslin game ever IMO, so many fun times. You should edit your initial post with the list and link the text to the corresponding post.


        • Bmore
          The True Free-Man
          • Oct 2008
          • 6256

          Originally posted by Leftwich
          You know that was like the first WWF game with 3D models of wrestlers. The first game with CAW... Bmore shut up.
          I don't give a fuck what it trail blazed. The fact of the matter is the game play was horrible and mostly do to the fact that the controls were horrid.

          Not to mention...

          This guy was the best wrestler in the game...


          • Leftwich
            Bring on the Season

            • Oct 2008
            • 13700


            Grand Theft Auto

            Platform: Playstation/PC/Game Boy Color

            Ah the game that started it all. I’m sure not many people here have played through this game in its entirety and actually beat it but you guys that haven’t are really missing out.

            This came out way back in 97 for the Playstation but I didn’t get it until maybe 99… all I remember was it was before the new millennium. Anyway, I digress; Grand Theft Auto was the first “Mature” game I ever played. Not to say I’d never played a mature game it was the first game that felt like it was for a mature audience. It took place in Liberty City until you did enough missions to go to San Andreas and finally Vice City. These would all become their own games in the next console generation but during the time this was completely unheard of. Even more unheard of is the fact that you were given unparalleled freedom to do as you please when not in a mission but during a mission you could take any route to the goal you wanted to. This is normal now a days but during the earlier life cycle of the Playsation, this was unheard of. The problem with this game now is that the graphics are mediocre, the gameplay is basic and their isn’t much replay ability but it is worth a play to take a stroll down memory lane.

            If you’ve never played the original Grand Theft Auto, I highly recommend you find a copy online somewhere. It’s nice to see the roots of one of the best franchises in gaming history.

            [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8tvADi-uA8"]Grand Theft Auto 1 for DOS - YouTube[/ame]

            Originally posted by Tailback U
            It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


            • Leftwich
              Bring on the Season

              • Oct 2008
              • 13700

              Time Crisis

              Platform: Arcade/Playstation

              Wow this is another one of those games that takes me back to the days of being in arcades. Luckily you can still find Time Crisis in one of its iterations at pretty much any mall or bowling alley.

              Time Crisis came out way back in 1995 but ended up getting ported to the Playstation along with that sweet gun controller in 1997. But for those who don’t know exactly what this game is, it’s a rail shooter but unlike a previous game on this list known as The House of the Dead. The difference is the introduction of the pedal to hide from gunfire. You simply step on the pedal to pop out and shoot mother fuckers in the face. If you wanna hide you just take your foot off the pedal, reload or do whatever you want. You can’t simply hide forever because you will run out of time hence the name “Time Crisis”. So if you haven’t figured it out yet this game doesn’t have much of story, I mean you can follow it if you want but who the hell wants to do that? This game is simply about pulling the trigger and progressing till you beat the game. The game has spawned numerous sequels and is set to have Time Crisis 5 come out in 2012; none of those make this list because the first one was so revolutionary. Just to let you guys know I’ve beaten all of them in the Arcade and the 3rd is probably the hardest.

              One game worthy of your time if you can find it in the Arcade is Time Crisis. Doesn’t matter which one it is just try it out and I guarantee you’ll drop more than a dollar in this game. Just a word of personal excitement is that they’re re-releasing this game in an HD update next year (yeah 2013).

              [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEyk22Jr8aQ"]Time Crisis - Stage 1 - YouTube[/ame]

              Originally posted by Tailback U
              It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


              • IamMedellin
                Everything Burns...
                • Nov 2008
                • 10910

                takes me back to the arcades, SO Fun...Time crisis owns ALOTTA my quarters

                If Sony ever released this Game...Id buy a PSmove
                [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kCuVDgoxVw"]CarnEvil - Introduction - YouTube[/ame]


                • Leftwich
                  Bring on the Season

                  • Oct 2008
                  • 13700


                  Platform: Atari 2600

                  Yes I am not lying about this; I have actually played this on the Atari 2600. My grandparents who lived in Florida had it and I played the shit out of it as a young kid. This game was so simplistic yet complex at the same time. If I could find this I’d be more than ecstatic to play it on any console.

                  Pitfall is a very straight forward game. Not a Sandbox like Skyrim or multiplayer like Left 4 Dead. Pitfall is basically run, grab the swinging vine and don’t let the alligator eat you. This game is 30 years old this year and one of the most frustrating games in that time period. I mean u have 20 minutes to collect 32 treasures strewn throughout the jungle. I remember the game spawned numerous sequels across the Atari 2600, Genesis, SNES and even the Playstation but the original iteration on the Atari is the best of the whole series. The Playstation had upgraded Harry’s tale to 3-D polygonal models but it lost all the nostalgic feel to it. Finally something funny i loved about this game was every time you swung across the vine he would do the Tarzan yell and on an Atari it is funny as shit.

                  All in all Pitfall is for the old school gamers here. The newer gamers will probably not see the appeal or the fun of such a basic game but if you want a challenge and are willing to spend 20 fun minutes trying to beat this game by all means do so. By the way this is the second oldest game on the list.

                  [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwfF5-Wt6YU"]Pitfall (Atari 2600) (How To Beat Home Video Games 2) - YouTube[/ame]

                  Originally posted by Tailback U
                  It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


                  • Jmiles
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 2578

                    wow wasnt expecting this game at all. lol

                    My pops found an atari in the attic a couple of years back still in its original package, we broke it out and played like 4 or 5 different games... this was one of them. Fun times.


                    • Leftwich
                      Bring on the Season

                      • Oct 2008
                      • 13700

                      Stealth what is wrong with Pitfall.

                      Originally posted by Tailback U
                      It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


                      • StealthShot
                        Eat it
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 5048

                        Originally posted by Leftwich
                        Stealth what is wrong with Pitfall.
                        I told you i hate every game older then the NES, so you get groaned.


                        • DSpydr84
                          I need a sub
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2605

                          If Mr. Bones doesn't make this list, that will prove only one thing..... that you've never heard of Mr. Bones. Greatest game that no one has ever played in the history of gaming.


                          • Twigg4075
                            Kindergarten Cop
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 20056

                            Originally posted by Leftwich

                            Grand Theft Auto

                            Platform: PS2/PC/Game Boy Color

                            You should fix that since it was PS1, not PS2. Also, you say that people should "finish it". I didn't think you could? I thought all that game was about was getting a high score, like the old days? I didn't think they actually introduced a "story" until GTA2?


                            • Leftwich
                              Bring on the Season

                              • Oct 2008
                              • 13700

                              Originally posted by Twigg4075
                              You should fix that since it was PS1, not PS2. Also, you say that people should "finish it". I didn't think you could? I thought all that game was about was getting a high score, like the old days? I didn't think they actually introduced a "story" until GTA2?
                              Thanks Twigg. And by finish it i mean see all three cities that inspired the next console generation games.

                              Originally posted by Tailback U
                              It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


                              • Leftwich
                                Bring on the Season

                                • Oct 2008
                                • 13700



                                Platform: Playstation 3

                                I never played this game until this year and I can’t believe what I totally missed out on. In my opinion this is, at least in single player, Sony’s answer to Crackdown on the Xbox. One big difference, Sony did it way better.

                                I would probably have never played this game hadn’t it been for those dick heads hacking into the PSN and having it down for over a month. But back to the game, Infamous is like playing a modern comic book. Big ass crystal explodes in the middle of the city, you get magic powers and have to take down evil. Let me get this out of the way first, the plot twist at the end of the game blew my mind and is probably one of the most shocking I’ve seen in a video game. I’m talking pretty highly of this game but there is a tragic downfall to this game that keeps it at number 84. It is very repetitive. Sure you can unlock new powers but I saw myself around the 12 hour mark wanting the game to be over cause it was getting repetitious as shit. It’s still a very good game and fun as hell to play but with most all sandbox games you run into fetch quests and side missions that are more of the same. I can’t leave it on such a sour note; one thing very attractive about this game is the voice acting. Some of the best voice actors I’ve heard in a game.

                                All in all Infamous is a good game to play if you’re into sandbox games. Luckily for me I was a beneficiary of the Playstation network being hacked. If you haven’t played it, pick it up from Gamefly, borrow it or do whatever it is worth at least a story playthrough. You don’t have to go for all the side stuff.

                                [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-NBsSfxH30"]inFAMOUS - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

                                Originally posted by Tailback U
                                It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.

