Official Xbox One Thread
Really?!? You were serioisly surprised? With as much as all the outlets have been slobbing on this game's knob? Give me a fucking break.
Or is it more likely that you're trying to sneak in some humble praise? I'm not falling for it. I think we all get it. You would suck Vince Zampella's dick if guven the opportunity. Hopefully that wish will come true for you one of these days.
Apparently people are finding it easier to just set up a Skype call on the Xbone, turn off video and snap it as opposed to using the 'Party" system.
Great jobber MS Devs.Comment
My friend works for the company supplying the tech to M$. Its not a he said she said. Hopefully for them they score a nice licensing or M$ purchases them outright.Comment
Im having no problems with the chat system. The work around for BF4 works everytime.
o TH3 N3RD o