Playstation Store $5 Flash Sale (5/3-5/5)
Good luck...the game is terribly hard and painstakingly slow at progressing. The only way to win races was to use the Motorcycle. Med, Myself and Swarley did a race night for like an hour...was pretty boring after that. The game was fun when it came out but i don't have 20+ hours to put into this get anywhere.Comment
That game would be perfect if you could progress faster and they had a difficulty selection. I thought the tweaked in a patch but I saw no difference.
Try it out and let me know what you think. But that game pissed me off...winning a race for 6 mins to only hit an oncoming car on last stretch and then start over...NO!Comment
I think it took me a few hours on my slim ps3.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.Comment