Borderlands : A New Beginning
if I can get a good deal on it maybe I'll pick it up for the PS3...I didn't have anyone to play it with on 360 by the time I got it.Comment
starting to really enjoy this game now that i am getting some good guns and have a better feel for the game. I am on the mission to kill nine toes so its pretty early.
Level 6 is where i am.
how high should i expect to level up in 1 play thru?Comment
what does it mean in the weapons stats....under Damage it flashes 15 then x9
I see this on alot of my that like 15 damage, but times 9 for critical hits?
Im not sure if its critical or what cause down below that it will also say +50% critical damage....15x9 is alot more than +50%Comment
I'd check gamefaqs though Maynard. There is a wealth of information about that game over there. There are still tons of people that play it religiously.
I just wish they would at least give a release date for the new DLC. They said September which we are obviously in now.
I hope Borderlands doesn't get lost in the shuffle now that Gearbox is balls deep in Duke Nukem.Comment
What's the coolest weapons you guys have had. I picked up an orange incendiary sniper at level 24ish and I've been using it ever since. I'm now a level 38 I believe. It does 296 initial damage, has 4x incendiary damage, a 1.7 fire rate and 9 bullets in the clip. The think dominate all and the incendiary damage does about 600-1000 damage every time I hit someone.
The only other really cool one I have is a pistol that never runs out of ammo because it regenerates as soon as I shoot. It does somewhere between 70-80 damage and has a 5.7 fire rate. The clip in it is something like 42 rounds and it really doesn't matter because you can reload in less than a second.Comment
at first i was turned off by the hunter and using the sniper weapons. But now i am loving it. The incendiary snipers guns are awesome fun. I have the snipers and shottys up to level 2 and im trying to get my smg and assault rifles up
of course i have just discovered the rocket launcher car and that thing is sick. I almost feel like i am cheating by blowing guys up with this thing. Its no contest so far
the bouncing betties are fun too.
Biggest issue i have right now is not being able to carry enough stuff at one time. I dont have anywhere to store anything. I see there is a DLC that gives you a storage area, but i am not paying to be able to store shitComment
just did my first and got 3 extra slots.
one thing that kind of gets annoying at times is having to always kill the same guys over and over. Its cool that guys respawn in areas, but i wish they didnt respawn on your way out of an area. once its clear it should stay clear unless you travel back in for whatever reason.Comment